Services and activities in the area

Laitikkala village has a wide selection of services, including Rönnvik vineyard, Suttinen farm shop and cafe, Kesänmaku – butcher shop. Their opening hours vary according to season. Summer is high season at its best with greater choice in activities. Why not go pick strawberries or wander in a maize labyrinth at Suttinen farm. There are several places to visit within an easy walking or biking distance.


Quiet country roads are good for running, jogging or cycling. In the nearby village you will find a volleyball field, and in winter, weather conditions permitting, also an ice hockey rink.


10 km away, in Onkkaala, you will find a trail for running and skiing and an ice hockey rink with artificial ice, usually available from mid-November to end of March. Snow and ice conditions permitting, there will be skiing trails starting right on the Villa Hepolahti doorstep. In summer, there are tennis courts in various parts of Pälkäne municipality. There is a modern gym at the sports hall opened in late 2018.


Sappee is a skiing center and much more than that only a 30-minute drive away, just like several golf courts in Hämeenlinna. The nearest spas are found in Hämeenlinna and Tampere. Not far from Sappee lies Laipanmaa, the largest forest area in southern Finland, with more than 30 km of marked trails to hike on.



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